PNG is a great file type for internet graphics, as it supports many colors like PNG-8 (256 colors) and PNG-24 (about 16.7 million colors). It was developed as an alternative to GIF. PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. Due to the lossy nature of JPG, this image format cannot be an ideal way to store digital photographs or other art files. To edit images for social media, we need to convert these images to. JPG images compress image data by reducing sections of images. iOS devices automatically save images with a generic image title and. It is a standard for professional photographers. JPG is a file type developed by JPEG, referring to the Joint Photographic Experts Group. It adopts more advanced and modern compression, allowing digital photographs taken by iPhone, iPad, or iPod to be created in smaller file sizes while maintaining higher image quality. As its name implies, the HEIC format is a more streamlined way of storing image items. HEIC is the image format named by Apple for the new HEIF standard.
Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format